How To Download A Youtube Video To Your Mac

Posted By admin On 07/11/19
  1. Video Downloader For Mac
  2. How To Download A Youtube Video On Macbook
  3. How Can I Download A Youtube Video To My Mac
  4. How To Download A Youtube Video To Mac For Free
  5. How To Download A Youtube Video To Your Desktop Mac
  6. Youtube App For Macbook Pro
  7. How To Download A Youtube Video To Your Mac Computer
  1. Turn back to the window of Wondershare UniConverter for Mac, click on the Download tab and click the Paste URL button to start converting YouTube video to MP4. It will take some time to download the YouTube video which depends on the video size and the Internet speed.
  2. Today I am going to show you How to Download youtube videos without software on Mac/Pc. Today I am going to show you How to Download youtube videos without software on Mac/Pc. SUBSCRIBE HERE.
  3. WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time.
  4. Once you have the link for the webpage containing the video that you want to download, open Elmedia Player. Then you will need to click the “download” button, as per the screenshot to the right. Now paste the link into the address bar and press enter to load the website with the video on it that you want to download.
  5. YouTube is the most popular video hosting website in the world, and downloading YouTube videos is an increasing demand for offline playback on Mac.
  6. Lots of users try to block YouTube videos on Mac, but they don’t know how to.This article will introduce you how to block YouTube website, YouTube app, YouTube channels and YouTube video ads on Mac.

Have you ever wanted to download the videos you watch on the internet to your Mac? And not YouTube videos, but videos from websites such and If so, then you have come to the right place! In this article I will explain two methods that you can use to download online videos to your Mac — one is using an application for ElMedia, and the other is using the Google Chrome browser directly.

Video Downloader For Mac

First Method: Downloading using Elmedia Player

The first method I will show you is how to download online videos using Elmedia Player. This method is the easiest one, however you will need to purchase the Elmedia Player PRO application which costs $19.00. Click here to purchase ElMedia or click here to find out more about the application. then come back to this article once it has been installed so that you can continue the tutorial.

Step One: Navigate to the video you want to download

Jun 24, 2019  MacX YouTube Downloader is a great free online video/audio downloader for Mac OS that can download music and videos from over 300 online video sites.

Using any web browser, navigate to the video that you want to download. For this tutorial the fifth episode of Tari Tari from will be used:

Step Two: Copy and link and open it in Elmedia Player

Once you have the link for the webpage containing the video that you want to download, open Elmedia Player. Then you will need to click the “download” button, as per the screenshot to the right. Now paste the link into the address bar and press enter to load the website with the video on it that you want to download.

Step Three: Start playing the video

Before Elmedia Player will detect the video you will need to start playing it. So press the play button and as soon as it starts playing you can press pause.

Step Four: Download the video!

Now you can download the video! Under the “video” tab the mp4/avi will now be showing up so you can press download and the video will save to your downloads folder.

If you have any issues following these steps please leave a comment at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you. And if you have not already you can download ElMedia Player PRO by clicking here!

Method Two: Download using Google Chrome

This method will be done using only Google Chrome — no other software required and nothing needs to be purchased. However this method is somewhat more complicated, so if you would like an easier method see the one above. How to download mac os mojave.

Step One: Navigate to the video that you want to download

How To Download A Youtube Video On Macbook

Using Google Chrome, navigate to the page containing the video that you wish to download. For this tutorial the fifth episode of Tari Tari from will be used:

Step Two: Open the Developer Console

Next you must open the developer’s console in Google Chrome. To do this, firstly click anywhere on the background of the website to make sure that the video is not selected, then press COMMAND-SHIFT-I on your Mac’s keyboard. You should be presented with something like this (if not, make sure you have the “network” tab selected in the box that popped up):

Step Three: Reload the Page

Since the video and the rest of the page are already loaded, you must reload the page for the elements of the page to appear in the Developer’s Console. To do this click on the background of the website (so that the Developer’s Console isn’t selected) and press APPLE-R on your Mac’s keyboard. Once the page has reloaded you should see the various elements of the page appear in the Developer’s Console, like so:

How Can I Download A Youtube Video To My Mac

Step Four: Start Playing the Video

You must start playing the video for it to load, and therefore show up in the Developer’s Console. So hit the play button, wait for it to load and start playing, then hit the pause button.

Step Five – Locate the Video in the Developer Console List

How To Download A Youtube Video To Mac For Free

Once the video has loaded and you have paused it, scroll through the list of elements in the Developer’s Console window, keeping your eyes trained on the “Type” column. When you come to an element that either says “Video/MP4” or “Video/FLV” or something else similar to that, you’ve found the video element on the page!

Step Six – Double click the Video Element

How To Download A Youtube Video To Your Desktop Mac

Once you have located the Video/MP4 or Video/FLV element double click it – Note that you must click the “name” part of the element (the bit that is circled in the screenshot below):

Youtube App For Macbook Pro

Step Seven – Wait for the Video to Load in a New Window

When you double-clicked on the element in the previous step it would have opened up in a new browser window or tab. Go onto that new tab/window and wait for the page to load. Note that it will probably take a long time, so don’t close it if it’s takes forever – Just go and do something else on your computer while that page loads (the page should look something like this while loading):

Step Eight – Download the Video

How To Download A Youtube Video To Your Mac Computer

Once the page has loaded the video will start playing in the centre of the page – Downloading it from here is very easy, as it is in an MP4 format, not a Flash format. So simply pause the video, control click anywhere on the video (if you don’t know how to control click read this) and select “Save Video As” from the drop-down menu (as shown in the screenshot below). A dialog box will then come up asking you what you want to call the video and where on your Mac you want to save it – Congratulations, you’re done!