Maplestory Not Doing Any Dmg To Balrog Lord

Posted By admin On 20/10/19

You will not be pushed back by any enemy attacks when casting Sonic Blow. Onyx cleaner for mac. Dual Blade The Dual Blade job, unlike other Thieves, has their own tutorial, where they start in The Secret Garden. It is most likely that any extra stats from a Blade do not affect the Dagger's range, and vice-versa. A Blade's +LUK most likely does not affect the Dagger's damage range, and a Dagger's +LUK most likely will not affect the Blade's damage Range. Mar 18, 2008  I do not own this video Go to to see the full movie. Lord of the Rings - Gandalf vs Balrog Entire Battle HD 1080p - Duration: 7:59. TMan 2,306,423 views. Sep 06, 2012  For MapleStory on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'how do you get the balrog card? Jan 23, 2010  Damage Reflection is a skill that The Balrog will cast and lasts around 15-30 seconds, during this buff, Do not attack The Balrog. If you attack during this buff, you will be dealt damage after hitting the balrog. It will deal about 500% of your damage back to you!, so a warrior dealing 1,000 damage will recieve 5,000 damage aproximately.

Maplestory Not Doing Any Dmg To Balrog Lord Video

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Unfunded Night Lord or Night Walker?

edited January 2017 in General Chat
Hey guys, I was wondering which would be a better character to play as, and some reasons why, such as dps, overall fun, and mobbing/bossing. I know they should be funded, and I plan on building up some mesos over time, but which would allow me to do more damage unfunded anyways? Thanks!


  • Hey there,
    It's hard for me to say which is better since they both play slightly differently, so here's a pros and cons 'list'
    + Pro
    - Con
    Night Walker
    +Really high DPM
    +Bats will heal and almost eliminate need for HP pots
    +Backstep is good for bossing
    +Vertical Flash Jump
    +Bats make Gollux a joke
    -Normal Flash Jump is slightly less responsive than Night Lord's
    -No Hero's Will
    -Highest DPM possible requires perfect Jump+Attack which can be hard on high latency
    -Mobbing isn't very great unless you have high damage. Training can be tedious (Bats are primary AOE)
    -Dark Servant(Shadow Partner) cannot be cast while climbing a rope
    -Purple/Bat themed skills can make dressing up your character a chore (unless you don't mind the skills being a different color)
    Night Lord
    +Higher theoretical DPM Post-5th Job
    +Assassin's Mark makes Gollux a joke
    +Best Flash Jump in the game (in my opinion)
    +High Base Critical Rate and Crit DMG
    +Skill rotation can make bossing slightly more interesting
    +Shadow Web can be used for small platforms (Damaging vertical jump[Not as high as NW's vertical jump])
    -Kind of squishy
    -No dash skill or backstep for bossing
    -Requires Mastery Books
    -Training kind of sucks until 3rd Job Advancement
    -No Link Skill
    Personally - I enjoy the gameplay of Night Lord more.
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Unable to damage some 'boss' enemies

edited November 2016 in Bug Reporting

Maplestory Not Doing Any Dmg To Balrog Lord 1

Bug type: Functionality?
Brief bug summary: Unable to damage some 'boss' enemies
More details: I am able to damage bosses such as Zakum, Hilla, and Horntail fine. Some enemies still classified as bosses, such as Il Capo or Capt. Latanica, I am not able to deal damage too. These are the only two 'bosses' I have tried to fight that I can not damage for some reason. No damage pops up, and there is no health bar.
Steps to reproduce: I really have no idea. I don't have any other characters that are a high enough level to fight these bosses so it could be character specific. Whenever I try to fight these bosses, even after reinstalling the game, I seem to not be able to deal damage. I know this is the case and I can't just the see the boss health because my combo meter does not go up when attacking them. The usual sound effects for damaging still play but I do not deal damage (I sat there spamming Beyond Blade for 20 minutes and Il Capo didn't die).
Character name: Aranrararara
Character level: 144
Character job: Aran
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 11/20/2016 5:47PM


  • Reactions: 3,006
    Member, Private Tester
    Restart your computer completely, should empty its memory and fix it.
  • Restart your computer completely, should empty its memory and fix it.
    Didn't do anything. Same result as before. I have tried reinstalling the game as well.
  • I know what your problem might be, if you're using the default damage skin at least. There's a glitch that don't make the base damage skin show the 'miss' hits.
  • I know what your problem might be, if you're using the default damage skin at least. There's a glitch that don't make the base damage skin show the 'miss' hits.
    I am using the base damage skin but the issue is not the numbers showing. Damage is not being dealt period. No matter how many times I hit the bosses they didn't die. I spent 20 minutes trying to kill Il Capo but nothing happened.
  • I know what your problem might be, if you're using the default damage skin at least. There's a glitch that don't make the base damage skin show the 'miss' hits.
    I am using the base damage skin but the issue is not the numbers showing. Damage is not being dealt period. No matter how many times I hit the bosses they didn't die. I spent 20 minutes trying to kill Il Capo but nothing happened.
    That just means you are missing the mobs, therefore no damage is showing or miss(due to a bug). Il Capo are Level 165 and you are only level 144, try to level up to atleast 155 and see if you can deal any damage. The basic damage skin has a problem of not showing misses and it's not really a surprise that you are hitting miss on a mob 21 level above you on reboot.
  • In reboot, if you are 10 levels below any monster you have a 100% miss rate.
  • Reactions: 2,090
    Member, Private Tester
    The basic damage skin's the problem, this issue was mentioned before. Some damage skins including the default one for some reason are ironically missing the 'miss' text icon.
  • I know what your problem might be, if you're using the default damage skin at least. There's a glitch that don't make the base damage skin show the 'miss' hits.
    I am using the base damage skin but the issue is not the numbers showing. Damage is not being dealt period. No matter how many times I hit the bosses they didn't die. I spent 20 minutes trying to kill Il Capo but nothing happened.
    Like a guy said above, if you deal a 'miss', you don't hit the mobs, therefore, you don't do any damage at all. Just level up a little and you'll hit it.
  • Oh. I just thought it was a little weird cause nothing was popping up at all. I guess the basic damage skin is just bugged. I will level up and try again soon. Thanks for the help!