Spell Dmg Mundus Ston Eeso

Posted By admin On 28/09/19
  • 1Latin
    • 1.4Adjective


Alternative forms[edit]


From im-(without, not) + mundus(clean, elegant; upright).


  • (Classical)IPA(key): /imˈmun.dus/, [ɪmˈmʊn̪.d̪ʊs]


immundus (feminineimmunda, neuterimmundum, comparativeimmundior); first/second-declension adjective

Android file transfer dmg download. Just plug your phone into any open USB port on the computer, then turn on your phone's screen and unlock the device.Swipe your finger down from the top of the screen, and you should see a notification about the current USB connection.

  1. unclean, impure, dirty, filthy, foul

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to acquire a Molag Kena set yet but I am working on it. I would be interested in seeing your unbuffed (without Major Sorcery) stats for comparison. Only other difference between our builds is that I decided to prioritize Magicka Regen over Max Magicka. Also what Mundus Stone do you use. If you aren't sure what mundus stone to get, the basic ones that boost a resource are always safe picks as they increase your damage as well as your overall resource bar to continue using skills until you run out(The Mage/The Tower). The Lover stone is also a safe pick as it boosts both penetration values amping up your damage innately.


First/second-declension adjective.

Case / GenderMasculineFeminineNeuterMasculineFeminineNeuter


  • (impure):adulter, adulterīnus, cinaedicus, impudīcus, impūrus, incestus


  • (impure):castus, immaculātus, incorruptus, intemerātus, mundus, pudīcus, pūrus

Derived terms[edit]

Related terms[edit]


  • French: immonde
  • Italian: immondo
  • Portuguese: imundo
  • Spanish: inmundo


  • immundus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • immundus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • immundus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • immundus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
Retrieved from 'https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=immundus&oldid=53899331'

Mundus Stones are large stones scattered around Tamriel which can bestow small bonuses to your character. There are 13 Mundus Stones and each provides a small bonus in a different stat ranging from Max Magicka to increasing the damage from critical hits.

When you first create a character you will not have a Mundus Stone effect however when you first find an activate a Mundus Stone you will continue to benefit from that Mundus Stone until you activate another. You can view your current bonus in the Character Screen (‘C’) in the Active Effects section down at the bottom.

Mundus Stones are found in each Alliance and also in Cyrodiil and the names of the stones match the constellations of Elder Scrolls lore.

The Lady

The Lady increases Armor.

The amount of Armor increases as you level and caps at 1980 for Level 50+.

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The Lady is the first Mundus Stone that a character is likely to come across and is found in the first zone of your Alliance.

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The Lover

The Lover increases Spell Resistance.

The amount of Spell Resistance increases as you level and caps at 1980 for Level 50+.

The Lover is found in the Level 5 – 16 zone of each Alliance.

The Lord

The Lord increases Max Health.

The amount of Max Health increases as you level and caps at 1452 for Level 50+.

The Mage

The Mage increases Max Magicka.

The amount of Max Magicka increases as you level and caps at 1320 for Level 50+.

The Tower

The Tower increases Max Stamina.

The amount of Max Stamina increases as you level and caps at 1320 for Level 50+.

The Atronach


The Atronach increases Magicka Regeneration.

The amount increases as you level and caps at 210 for for Level 50+.

The Serpent

The Serpent increases Stamina Regeneration.

The amount increases as you level and caps at 210 for Level 50+.

Mundus Stone Eso

The Shadow

The Shadow increases Critical Strike Damage by 12%.

The Ritual

The Ritual increases healing effectiveness by 5%.

The Thief

The Thief increases Critical Strike Chance (Spell and Weapon) by 10%.

The Warrior

Spell Dmg Mundus Stone Eso Map

The Warrior increases Weapon Damage.

The amount increases as you level and caps at 167 for Level 50+.

The Apprentice

The Apprentice increases Spell Damage.

The amount increases as you level and caps at 167 for Level 50+.

The Steed

The Steed increases movement speed by 5%.

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Also increases Health Regeneration.